Sunday, January 11, 2015

Right Gift - Right Time

Every once in a while we receive the right “gift” at the right “time”.   This little book of quotes “i’m too young to be this d@*n old” was that gift for me this Christmas.   
Most of us have heard the saying “it’s just a number” or “you’re only as old as you feel”, but truth be known it is more than a number, especially when that number is 16, 21, 40, 50, 60, or the big 65!!!!!    In the past I really didn’t mind chalking up another year …… it was just a “number”, but for some reason 65 was becoming a little harder to swallow. 
Being only 5’3”, in good health, and still being able to buy clothes in the junior department, I guess inside I still felt like I was “young”.    Teaching middle school of 30+ years probably was also a contributing factor.    Like Peter Pan, I think my mind just got stuck in thinking I was young, or at least that I wasn’t “old”!
Having a birthday on Christmas Day usually meant that my birthday never took center stage.   I was usually fine with that as long as I got a gift wrapped in non-Christmas paper and a birthday card.   I really didn’t even need a cake.  But when I turned 65, the government and every insurance company started reminding me in July that the 65 was quickly approaching!  I just didn’t want to deal with the hassle of “Medicare”!    I liked that status quo, and just wanted to quietly step into my next year of life.
My 18 year old grandson told me that while he was Christmas shopping, he saw it.   It just called out to him to get it for me.  He told his friends…this is perfect for my grandmother!    I am so blessed to have grandkids that keep me young.      We travel, play games, work, tease, talk, and laugh!    If you’ve read my “about” page on etsy, you’ll know how much they help to make My-S-Cap a success.  
The quotes in this little book have made me think, smile, and LOL!    I hope you enjoy them as I share them throughout the year with you on myscap facebook posts.
First of many quotes….
“Another belief of mine: that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise” – Margaret Atwood.