Friday, February 5, 2016

Lupus and Hair Loss

               Since opening in 2010, I have become aware that hair loss just isn’t the result of going through chemotherapy.    Cancer is what usually comes to one’s mind when someone purchases a turban.  The reality is that there are a number of illnesses that result in hair loss.    One of these diseases is Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) SLE , a serious auto-immune disease that can affect any organ in the body.   Although anyone can develop Lupus, it is most common in women of childbearing age up to around 45 with African, Asian and Native American ancestry
      .        At the onset, a woman might not even realize that something is wrong.    Symptoms such as fatigue, joint and muscle pain, painless mouth sores, and slight fever might be attributed to being a mom.   What mom doesn’t feel tired and have aching muscles?     Concern usually doesn’t occur until she notices an unusual amount of hair loss, skin sores, and rashes that often take on a butterfly pattern.   

      The hair loss can be caused by both the Lupus disease and the treatments prescribed.    Sometimes the hair is shed all over the head; other times the hair loss is patchy.  The shedding of hair usually stops once the disease is under control; but the patchy hair loss associated with damaged hair follicles is permanent.

      The Mayo Clinic recommends: using sunscreen, getting plenty of rest, exercising 30 minutes daily, and eating a diet rich in whole grain, fruits, and vegetables.      Sounds like good recommendations for all of us!

      This blog was inspired after reading the review that Cheryl wrote recently:  
 “I love all My-S-Cap items and have been buying from Pat off and on for years. Now that my Lupus is getting to the severe stage, I’ve lost my hair and these snood caps and the different types she makes are perfect. You're awesome Pat and I'm so glad I found you years ago. You own one of my favorite shops and will keep coming back for more!” - Cheryl

        Below is a email Cheryl sent after she read the blog.     I thought it was important enough to share.  Like cancer, Lupus not only plays havoc on the body, it also tries to rip apart one’s self esteem

The looking good part is something I try to do every day, freshen up, put some make up on and decent clothes but it's all an act during flare up times. During a flare up, I can barely move because my joints are so red and very swollen. My back is in pain all the time because the Lupus has already damaged my kidneys. There's 3 types of Lupus.  I believe I have is SLE which is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and it's the type the damages your organs, mostly you kidneys, your joints, and even as fatal as you brain and heart. My kidneys are already close to failing. During a flare up I sleep 2 days straight. Joe has to wake me up, carry me to the potty, get me back to bed and make sure I drink or I'll get extremely dehydrated.  I've been to the hospital for that. Anyway, let me know if you want pictures of me bald- thank you Lupus, because I can take whatever pictures you need or help yourself to my album on my facebook page.”

Cheryl, along with the many other women I've come to know, are my heroes and keep me humble.

Helpful links: Facebook: Cheryl Remington Kearney




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